
29658169503_e8b4d4554e_oMy-Linh Kunst is a university lecturer, leadership coach for women, civic leader, photographer and advocate for human rights for women.

A Berlin-based Vietnamese-American, My-Linh received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Virginia, an MBA from the Wharton School, and studied Person-centered counseling in London.

She spent nearly two decades in management consulting, with her last post as Managing Director of a German consulting firm. She then worked in non-profits, culminating in her two-term Presidency of FAWCO, a United Nations accredited NGO with ECOSOC consultative status. She is now an Adjunct Professor in International Business Bachelor programs in Berlin.

Parallel to her business career, My-Linh is a published and exhibited portrait photographer since 2006. Her first book and exhibit Beyond Borders (ISBN: 978-3-00-023990-8) featured inspiring migrant women making a difference in their adopted community and her newly-published book and exhibit Hope is a Thing of Feathers (ISBN: 978-3-00-054267-1) portrays human trafficking survivors and change makers. Her photography has been exhibited in Berlin, Paris, The Hague and Seoul.

My-Linh is passionate about women having the confidence and courage to take control of their own path. She coaches and supports women in their quest for advancement and fulfillment.

My-Linh’s CV | info@mylinhkunst.com
