In the News

March 6, 2019: Article about the Americanzentrum Hamburg and the American Women’s Club of Hamburg’s National Women’s History event – panel on Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Non-Violence, moderated by My-Linh.


February 21, 2019: My-Linh’s interview in the JFKS’ IDEAS magazine on feminist activism: Advice on Advocating for Gender Equality.


December 23, 2016: My-Linh Kunst on NPR Berlin – interview about celebrating Christmas as an American living abroad


November 9, 2016: My-Linh Kunst was interviewed on Deutsche Welle Post-Election Show on November 9, 2016.


October 13, 2016: My-Linh conceived, produced and moderated AWC Berlin’s Women & Leadership event, which was featured on ntv nightly news.


October 15, 2016: My-Linh conceived, produced and moderated AWC Berlin’s Women & Leadership’s event, featured in Bild am Sonntag. Click here to read:


u1_cover_153_webMy-Linh conceived, produced and moderated AWC Berlin’s Women & Leadership event promoted in the Exberliner Magazine (pages 23 & 47)- read the OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE.